Case Study

Abandon Cart campaign


Project Overview

The Abandoned Cart Campaign is a critical aspect of Kathmandu's marketing strategy, aimed at recovering potential sales lost during the checkout process. Thorough research and analysis of user behaviour and shopping patterns within Kathmandu’s e-commerce website and usability tests, we gain insights into the pain points and motivations of customers who abandon their carts. This research formed the foundation for the redesign, ensuring a user-centric approach to addressing the challenges. Our design goals were to help create a streamlined checkout experience, offering Kathmandu’s customers less friction by removing any unnecessary steps that may lead to cart abandonment.

Goals and how we approached them

1. See a decline in cart abandoment from the ecomm website
2. Uplift in customer interaction
3. Increase of customers returning and following through with a purchase


The Challenge

The challenges faced in crafting a visually appealing and responsive design that seamlessly guides users back to their abandoned items. Our research found that guest users were 82.11% more likely to abandon their cart with a high abandon rate as the week progressed. A key observation was that users are more committed to purchase online at the start of the week, and they are the least committed on the weekend. This could be because customers on the weekend are researching items online before heading in-store. Common themes such as Waiting for items to go on sale, Cost Anxiety and completing the transaction in-store were seen to be a recurring issue.

The Design Process

Taking these learnings on board and looking at what our direct competitors and best in practice are currently doing really helped to define the path of what Kathmandu should strive for. Cart Abandonment should be thought of as a series of interventions across the entire purchase journey - not just post abandonment campaign, we needed to look at the whole process, not just focus on the end of the customers journey. However, having said this, we started with a minimum valuable product by reimagining the Abandon Cart email campaign.

The Design Process continued

Creating customer journeys and defining new segmentation was our first port of call, dividing our customer base into New and Returning Customers & Guests. From here, we could develop wireframes, sculpting out a structure and adding a layer of personalisation not seen in previous campaigns. We wanted to cut through the clutter of your inbox, leading with striking imagery and copy, personalise to make as relevant as possible to the customer, with the use of clear CTAs and leveraging supporting content to inspire, inform and reduce overall friction. The visual design is simple and focused, heroing the abandoned product to avoid overwhelming the customer with a myriad of choices.
