Case Study

Mobile Academy


Project Overview

Mobile Academy is a native iOS and Android e-learning app designed to provide a convenient and engaging learning experience for users across various disciplines. The primary goal was to create a user-friendly interface that would encourage continuous learning and knowledge retention. This case study provides an overview of the design process, challenges faced, and the solutions implemented to create an effective UI/UX for Mobile Academy.

Goals and how we approached them

1. Interactive environment
2. Personalised course content
3. Improved onboarding journey for users


The Challenge

Through research, we found Mobile Academy’s previous web application onboarding was confusing and a big friction point for the user. A challenge we wanted to tackle was creating a seamless onboarding journey, while not compromising on security. Given that the initial launch was to be in Pakistan, creating easily accessible language toggle was a high priority that had previous not been considered. A key feature we wished to expand was personalisation of the product, allowing users to select topics of interest while onboarding meant we could deliver a more personalised app earlier on in the users journey.

The Design Process

Mobile Academy aimed to make learning interactive and engaging. Interactive elements like quizzes, discussions, and multimedia content were integrated into lessons to enhance user participation and knowledge retention. Gamification elements, such as leaderboards and points, were introduced to create a sense of competition and motivate users to continue learning.

Visual Identity

Keeping on brand, but introducing a much needed refresh. A clean and modern design language was adopted, with a harmonious color palette and clear typography to enhance readability. Attention was given to using relevant visuals and illustrations to make the learning content more engaging and accessible.


Through user-centered design principles, we have achieved a more intuitive and engaging interface, streamlined navigation, and personalized learning pathways. Key improvements include the implementation of adaptive learning techniques, and a robust feedback system, which have collectively contributed to increased user satisfaction and learning efficacy. Moving forward, ongoing user feedback and analytics will be instrumental in further refining the app.
